Barbada - vertaling naar Engels
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Barbada - vertaling naar Engels

Barbuda Dependency, Antigua and Barbuda; Dependency of Barbuda; Dependency of Barbuda, Antigua and Barbuda; Island of Barbuda; Barbuda Island, Antigua and Barbuda; Barbuda, Antigua and Barbuda; Barbuda Island; Barbuda colony; Natural disasters in Barbuda; Wa'omoni; Waomoni; Barbadu; Barbada; Dulcina; Wildlife of Barbuda; District "C"
  • access-date=2017-09-12}}</ref>
  • A house that was badly damaged by the Hurricane Irma.

Barbados, island in the Atlantic Ocean
grow a beard      
tener barba, barbar, dejarse crecer la barba


barbada (de "barba")
1 f. Cadenilla o hierro curvo que une las dos camas del *freno de una caballería por debajo de la barbilla.
2 (Bol., Perú) Barboquejo.
3 *Quijada inferior de las caballerías.
4 Pieza de madera adosada al violín e instrumentos parecidos sobre la que apoya la barbilla el que lo toca.
5 (Gaidropsarus mediterraneus, Gaidropsarus vulgaris y otras especies) Nombre dado a varias especies de *peces teleósteos gadiformes del Mediterráneo, parecidos al bacalao.



Barbuda () is an island located in the eastern Caribbean forming part of the sovereign state of Antigua and Barbuda. It is located north of the island of Antigua and is part of the Leeward Islands of the West Indies. The island is a popular tourist destination because of its moderate climate and coastline.

Historically, most of Barbuda's 1,634 residents have lived in the town of Codrington. However, in September 2017, Hurricane Irma damaged or destroyed 95% of the island's buildings and infrastructure and, as a result, all the island's inhabitants were evacuated to Antigua, leaving Barbuda empty for the first time in modern history. By February 2019, most of the residents had returned to the island.

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor Barbada
1. in Barbados.
Turnaround - Third World Lessons for First World Growth _ Peter Henry _ Talks at Google
2. either "Confirmation," or "Barbados,"
Vincent Herring _ Bird at 100 _ Talks at Google
3. It's in Barbados.
16 Bars - Youth (Off)Ending Justice _ Exalt Youth _ Talks at Google
4. island of Barbados.
Turnaround - Third World Lessons for First World Growth _ Peter Henry _ Talks at Google
5. Barbados said no.
Turnaround - Third World Lessons for First World Growth _ Peter Henry _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor Barbada
1. Para ella sigue siendo la leona barbada, la poderosa efigie de ojos claros que le lanzó su bendición una década atrás, uniéndola a ella por lazos que nada tienen que ver con la muerte, sino con su eterna rival, la memoria, ese bien que las piedras transmiten y que Hatshepsut estuvo a punto de perder cuando gran parte de sus representaciones y estatuas fueron destruidas.